How is everybody here? I am glad to have come across this sugar mummy hookup platform. My name is Angela and I reside in Kilimani. I have been lonely for some time which is why I contacted the admin of this site for help. I am looking for a sweetheart, someone to fill the emptiness left after my husband died two years ago and left me alone. I am not interested in getting into another marriage. All I need is a guy for a casual relationship and sex. We can take it slow at first and see how it goes. I am financially well-off and can cater to most of our needs. Car, house, and pocket money for the lucky chap shouldn’t be a problem. I am not comfortable with sharing my personal contact on this page due to privacy reasons. If you are interested in dating a mature, rich woman in Kenya get my contact information from admin and let us get in touch. I am waiting patiently to hear from you.
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